Nakshatra Singh Portrait

Nakshatra Singh

Mobile App Development Engineer with 3+ years of experience. Based in Bangalore, India.



React NativeReact Native
Github ActionsGithub Actions
Hedera HashgraphHedera Hashgraph
Chakra UIChakra UI
Material UIMaterial UI
GlueStack UIGlueStack UI
Google Cloud PlatformGoogle Cloud Platform
Adobe XDAdobe XD



Lead React Native Engineer (Full-time Employment)

April 2023 - Present

  • Typescript
  • React Native
  • Android
  • iOS

a software technology company that focuses on providing transformative solutions to our customers in the areas of Enterprise Application Development, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, DevOps, Robotic Process Automation, Mobile App Development, Quality Assurance and Manpower Consulting space. My role involved in I designed and implemented flawlessly smooth and high-performing animations (Moti) within the Ecocash Consumer App using React Native. These animations were integrated seamlessly while incorporating Redux Persist to manage user data offline effectively. Additionally, I integrated OTA Updates (CodePush) to ensure that the app could receive updates over the air without requiring users to manually download new versions. For analytics, I integrated Vexo Analytics to track user interactions and behaviors within the app. Firebase/Notifee Push Notifications were also implemented to enable timely and relevant notifications for users. Moreover, I integrated Passbase KYC Auth for enhanced security and authentication processes within the application. To enhance navigation and user experience, I implemented Nested Navigation, which allowed for smoother navigation flows within the app. Furthermore, I utilized RTK-Query to seamlessly integrate optimistic updates, polling, queries, mutations, and prefetching. This ensured efficient data management and optimal user experience by minimizing loading times and providing real-time data updates. One of the key features I implemented was ensuring financial security through split payments and multi-payment functionalities within the app. Additionally, I established varied environments to facilitate diverse app development stages, including development, staging, and production environments. Throughout the development process, I conducted end-to-end processes for building and distribution for both Android and iOS platforms, ensuring that the Ecocash Consumer App met the highest standards of quality and reliability.


Founding React Native Engineer (Full-time Employment)

January 2021 - Feb 2023

  • Monorepos
  • Typescript
  • React Native
  • Lerna
  • Storybook
  • Android
  • iOS

VOLT is a B2C lending platform that enables retail customers to get instant, low cost & flexible credit by pledging their MFs & stocks via a 100% digital process. In my role as a React Native developer, I played a crucial part in crafting the customer journey for various platforms including web, Android, and iOS for the Consumer App. This involved understanding user behaviors and preferences to create intuitive and seamless experiences across different devices and platforms. Additionally, I delivered key features such as payout and multiple RTA fetch functionalities which significantly contributed to the company's loan-book growth to 2 crore in just 2 weeks, demonstrating the impact of my contributions to the business. In the Partner App, I spearheaded the development of a LAS (Loan Against Securities) platform. This involved creating a robust system to onboard partners using referral codes and enabling them to onboard customers on their behalf seamlessly across web, Android, and iOS platforms. Through optimizations and enhancements, we were able to boost the onboarding process by 20%, leading to improved efficiency and user satisfaction. Operating in an agile software development environment using the Scrum process, I actively participated in various aspects of the development lifecycle including team management, code review, design review, and releases. This allowed for efficient collaboration and continuous improvement throughout the development process. As part of my responsibilities, I focused on building high-level, reusable, and scalable design components across company products using tools like Storybook, Lerna, Babel, and Chokidar. This ensured consistency and maintainability across different projects and teams. Additionally, I developed micronized monorepo platform services for handling extreme low-level features in React Native, optimizing performance and resource utilization. Integration of highly-confidential financial APIs from KFinTech, CAMS, NSDL, and CDSL was a critical aspect of my role. I ensured that these integrations were secure and seamless, adhering to industry standards and best practices. Moreover, I maintained monorepo actions, types, and mocks for the entire micro-frontend application, streamlining development and testing processes. In order to uphold high coding standards and facilitate seamless development, I implemented SEO and accessibility features using NextJS and TailwindCSS. These enhancements not only improved the overall user experience but also contributed to better search engine visibility and compliance with accessibility standards.


Backend Engineer (Freelancer)

June 2022 - Sept 2022 (4 months)

  • Express
  • NodeJS
  • AWS
  • Typescript
  • MongoDB
  • Docker

NoCap Meta is a high-functioning Web3 company working on diverse projects spanning the verticals of Metaverse, Tokenization, and Web3 technology services. NocapMeta works with a variety of clients on projects that are at the edge of Web3 development in India and globally. As the backend developer for a cutting-edge NFT marketplace, I was entrusted with the responsibility of architecting and implementing the core infrastructure using a stack comprising Node.js, Express, MongoDB, AWS services, Docker, and Typescript. My primary objective was to establish a robust and scalable backend system capable of handling the complexities of a dynamic NFT marketplace environment. A key aspect of my role involved orchestrating the deployment of the backend infrastructure on AWS using Docker containers and AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS). This approach ensured high availability, scalability, and efficient resource management, allowing the platform to seamlessly handle fluctuations in user traffic and workload demands. Security was paramount in the design and development process. To safeguard sensitive data and protect user information, I implemented industry-standard security practices such as encryption, authentication, and authorization mechanisms. This involved implementing robust encryption protocols to secure data at rest and in transit, as well as implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to resources and functionalities within the platform. Collaboration with frontend developers was essential to ensure alignment with the overall goals and objectives of the NFT marketplace. I worked closely with frontend teams to design and implement APIs and endpoints that catered to the requirements of the frontend applications. This involved establishing clear communication channels and maintaining a shared understanding of project milestones and deliverables to ensure seamless integration between the frontend and backend systems. Additionally, I leveraged my expertise in Typescript to enforce type safety and enhance code maintainability and readability throughout the development process. Typescript's static typing capabilities helped mitigate potential runtime errors and facilitated smoother collaboration among team members. By focusing on scalability, security, and collaboration, I played a pivotal role in architecting and implementing a robust backend infrastructure for the NFT marketplace. This infrastructure laid the foundation for a seamless and secure user experience while providing the flexibility and scalability needed to accommodate future growth and expansion.

Prodigal AI

Software Developer (Full-time Internship)

Jan 2020 - May 2020 (5 months)

  • Blockchain
  • UniswapV3 Protocol
  • ETL pipelines
  • Python

ProdigalAI is a service based agency having the combined experience of more than 20 years in machine learning with excellent deliverables in the field of blockchain, AI-based crypto risk management, analytics and investment tools, computer vision, edge computing and cloud analytics. As part of my role, I was tasked with several key responsibilities aimed at enhancing the user experience and ensuring cutting-edge practices in our projects. Firstly, I focused on constructing reusable global styles and components. This involved creating a robust set of styles and components that could be easily reused across different parts of our applications. By establishing a consistent design system, we were able to maintain visual coherence and streamline the development process. In addition, I implemented rate-limiting mechanisms for our APIs to adhere to state-of-the-art (SOTA) practices. Rate-limiting helps prevent abuse of our APIs by limiting the number of requests that can be made within a certain time period. This ensures optimal performance and stability of our systems while protecting against potential security threats such as denial-of-service attacks. Furthermore, I was heavily involved in developing UI screens that were fully compatible with all Android and iOS devices using the Flutter SDK. Flutter's cross-platform capabilities allowed us to build native-quality user interfaces that looked and felt consistent across different devices and screen sizes. This approach helped us reach a wider audience while minimizing development effort and maintaining a single codebase. One of the unique projects I worked on was prototyping a ship-shaped client white paper using UniswapV3 LP provider and DEX protocols. This involved leveraging UniswapV3 liquidity provider (LP) functionality and decentralized exchange (DEX) protocols to create a prototype that demonstrated the potential use cases and benefits of these technologies. By exploring emerging trends in decentralized finance (DeFi), we were able to stay ahead of the curve and position our projects for future success in the rapidly evolving blockchain landscape. Overall, my contributions focused on advancing our projects through reusable design systems, adherence to best practices, seamless cross-platform compatibility, and exploration of innovative technologies. By staying at the forefront of industry trends and leveraging state-of-the-art tools and methodologies, we were able to deliver high-quality solutions that met the evolving needs of our users and stakeholders.


Flutter Engineer (Full-time Internship)

Aug 2019 - Dec 2019 (5 months)

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Firebase
  • ML
  • AR/VR

Tvish employ both 3D models and 2D images to give an immersive try-on experience, as well as, provide best fit recommendations using data generated by our try-on features. In my role, I took on a multifaceted set of responsibilities aimed at enhancing the functionality and user experience of our parent app. Primarily, I was responsible for developing authentication pages, product catalogs, and various other components within the parent app. This involved creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that facilitated seamless navigation and interaction for our users. To streamline the development process and improve overall performance, I implemented controllers and data services using GETX CLI along with Flutter null safety. By leveraging GETX, I was able to efficiently manage state, navigation, and dependencies within the app, leading to a more organized and maintainable codebase. Additionally, adopting Flutter null safety ensured greater stability and reliability, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors and enhancing the overall robustness of the app. Another key aspect of my role was establishing user-profile management data schemas in MongoDB and integrating them with the Flutter app. This involved designing and implementing data models and schemas that accurately represented user profiles and preferences, and ensuring seamless communication between the Flutter frontend and MongoDB backend. By centralizing user data and maintaining consistency across the platform, we were able to deliver a cohesive and personalized user experience. Furthermore, I was involved in constructing state-of-the-art (SOTA) machine learning techniques in the field of augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) for mobile compatibility. This cutting-edge initiative aimed to leverage machine learning algorithms to enhance the immersive experience of AR/VR applications on mobile devices. By exploring innovative approaches and pushing the boundaries of mobile computing, we aimed to deliver groundbreaking experiences that captivated and engaged our users. Overall, my contributions encompassed a wide range of tasks, from frontend development and state management to backend integration and machine learning experimentation. By combining technical expertise with a focus on user experience and innovation, I played a pivotal role in driving the evolution and success of our parent app.


Machine Learning Engineer (Full-time Internship)

April 2019 - July 2019 (4 months)

  • Django
  • Javascript
  • NLP
  • Pytorch
  • Data Science

Devtown is a research and education-based startup that plans to give students a chance to perform research and make projects in the areas of AI, ML, Web design Development. In my multifaceted role, I dedicated time to mentoring over 200 students daily as a side-hustle, driven by a commitment to social good and knowledge transmutation. Through mentorship, I aimed to empower aspiring learners, providing guidance, encouragement, and practical insights to help them navigate their educational journeys and achieve their goals. This engagement not only enriched the lives of the students but also fostered a culture of collaboration and continuous learning within the community. In parallel, I embarked on a transformative project to develop an end-to-end Spotify song recommendation system. Leveraging innovative techniques such as HDBScan, MongoDB, and JavaScript, I engineered a robust and dynamic system capable of delivering personalized recommendations to users based on their music preferences and listening habits. By harnessing the power of data analytics and machine learning, I aimed to enhance the user experience and provide valuable insights into the vast realm of music discovery. Furthermore, I undertook the challenge of engineering high-quality notebooks in neural machine translation and image classification. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, I sought to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence and contribute to advancements in natural language processing and computer vision. Through meticulous experimentation and refinement, I endeavored to create tools and resources that not only showcased the capabilities of neural networks but also served as educational assets for the broader research and developer community. In all aspects of my role, whether through mentoring, software development, or research endeavors, I remained steadfast in my commitment to excellence, innovation, and positive impact. By embracing diverse opportunities and challenges, I strived to cultivate a culture of curiosity, collaboration, and continuous improvement, fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change in the world of technology and beyond.

Alternatively my role as a Software Engineer includes:

  • Implement seamless navigation using React Navigation for intuitive user journeys.
  • Integrate Redux for state management, ensuring data consistency and scalability across the app.
  • Optimize app performance and responsiveness for various screen sizes and devices.
  • Enhance user experience through smooth and high-performing animations using libraries like React Native Reanimated.
  • Implement offline support using Redux Persist, allowing users to access app functionalities even without an internet connection.
  • Integrate Push Notifications using Firebase/Notifee to keep users engaged and informed with timely updates.
  • Ensure security with encrypted storage and secure communication protocols to protect user data and privacy.
  • Collaborate closely with designers to translate UI/UX designs into pixel-perfect React Native components.
  • Implement unit and integration tests using Jest and React Native Testing Library to ensure app reliability and stability.
  • Optimize app loading times and performance through code splitting and lazy loading of components.
  • Implement internationalization and localization features to support multiple languages and regions.
  • Conduct regular code reviews and refactor legacy code to adhere to best practices and maintain code quality.
  • Utilize Over-The-Air (OTA) Updates using CodePush to seamlessly deploy app updates and bug fixes without requiring app store approval.
  • Monitor app performance and user engagement metrics using analytics tools like Firebase Analytics or Amplitude.
  • Translate UI/UX design wireframes (from Figma & Adobe XD) to code.
  • Revamp and improve exisitng smart contracts using openzeppelin.
  • Validate input before submitting to blockchain and backend services
  • Write reusable code and libraries to ensure SOTA practices.
  • Optimize smart contracts with metering, gas pricing and meta transactions (gasless).
  • Ensure delivery of reliable and secure smart contracts and products.
  • Maintain brand consistency throughout the design.
  • Collaborate with Back-end Developers and Product Manager in Agile principles.
  • Handle back-end logic, mainly on Controllers, Route, Data models & API creation (using ExpressJS).
  • Rewrite old codes to be more modular and dynamic.
  • Monitoring smart contracts and ensure their stability using Tenderly.
  • Debug code using debuggers and smart contracts using Slither.




Soulbound NFTs are tokens you mint to an address, and then can't move afterwards. The dapp allows you to issue Soulbound NFTs to any address with just a few clicks.

  • Solidity
  • RainbowKIT
  • NextJS
  • TailwindCSS
Chat Help Desk

Chat Help Desk

Find a better tech stack for making full-stack applications, I will work free for a month.

  • NextJS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Typescript
  • tRPC
  • Prisma
  • Planetscale
Hedera dApp

Hedera dApp

This project demonstrates a Hedera dApp in which users can connect to hashpack, create a token using HTS, mint new tokens, deploy the contract and use the contract to transfer tokens to other users.

  • ReactJS
  • Hedera Hashgraph
  • Solidity
  • Hashpack


HashDemo is a demonstration application built for Hedera Network. It's designed and created to demonstrate the capabilities and services offered by the network. The services include HTS, HCS, HFS, and HSCS. HashDemo also demonstrates how applications can utilize the MirrorNode api and to gather transaction history from Hedera Network.

  • React
  • Hedera Hashgraph
  • MUI-Toolkit
  • Axios
  • MirrodNodeAPI
Land Mark Classifier

Land Mark Classifier

Cross-platform mobile application build using Flutter 1.x. This is a project that can recognize and search landmarks in each region (Asia, South America, North America, Europe, Oceania, Antarctica).

  • Flutter
  • TensorflowLite
  • UI/UX


This project demonstrates a NFT Collection Minting dApp where holders can stake, unstake and claim rewards for the NFTs they hold. The users can even the see the nfts they/others minted.

  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Ethers
  • Etherscan API
  • Solidity


I love building software. I work to make a better software; one that is fast, easy to use, and secure. I also have a passion for design and I believe I have the ability to incorporate seamless user experience in both design and development.

I am a 22-year-old self-taught Software Developer from India. My name is Nakshatra Singh. I am a young man with a Computer Science Engineering degree, but for the past year I've been working in internships as a AI/Blockchain/Flutter developer mainly for startups in India.

As a self-taught, I am highly driven in improving my knowledge. I am very familiar with back-end technologies, currently holding good experience to build server using Javascript, ExpressJS, MongoDB, covering APIs, server-side scripting, the cloud, & databases.


I have around 2 years of experience in Blockchain to make secure and reliable smart contracts that provide stability and efficieny. I am familiar with most libraries and frameworks that often associated with Blockchain (e.g. Moralis, Remix, Hardhat, WAGMI, Web3Js). I also have been doing React for the past months. Well experienced with private permissioned blockchains like Hedera hasphgraph, WalletConnect on Hedera, the javascript SDK & Mirror Nodes/Dragon Glass APIs. I have incredible expertise in ethereum developement, very conformtable with SDKS like Moralis, Infura and Alchemy. Amateur level experience in Solana, Binance, Zilliqa, and more. Familiar with tools like Tenderly and Slither.

React Native

I have over 3 years of experience in React Native development, specializing in crafting engaging mobile applications that prioritize user experience. I am well-versed in the diverse range of libraries commonly utilized in React Native, including those for networking (e.g., axios), state management (e.g., Redux Toolkit with RTK Query), and navigation (e.g., React Navigation). Furthermore, I have extensive experience integrating backend services and databases into React Native applications. This includes proficiency in Firebase services such as Firestore for real-time data synchronization, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for cloud-based functionalities, SQL databases for structured data management, and AWS Amplify for scalable cloud infrastructure. My skill set extends to creating visually stunning and responsive UIs that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes and device types using GlueStack UI components. I have a strong foundation in building pixel-perfect UI components for cross-platform compatibility, ensuring a consistent and immersive user experience across iOS and Android devices. In terms of state management, I am well-versed in utilizing Redux Toolkit with RTK Query for managing complex application states and implementing data streams efficiently. Additionally, I have a deep understanding of the React Native framework, enabling me to leverage its capabilities effectively to develop high-performance mobile applications with TypeScript for enhanced type safety and code readability.

Artifical Intelligence

I have around 1 years of experience using Python to make ML apps. I am familiar with most libraries that often associated with Python (e.g. Numpy, Tensorflow), and the edge-case that comes around when using it. I also have been doing NLP (Natural Language Processing) for the past year, mostly on my side projects.

Code best practices

I pay a very particular attention towards writing a good, well-documented code. I believe that by having this trait, it helps us to be more mindful when writing our code. I always find myself reading open source files, just to see and learn from the best. It’s a trait that I’m super proud of, and valuable to have for a developer in my opinion.

If you are looking for someone with my skillset and interested in hiring me or working with me, you can use the information below.